My favorite car brand is BMW, so I jumped at the chance to work at their only US production facility in Spartanburg, SC as in intern in college. It was a great experience seeing how some of the nicest cars in the world are made. On my way to my office each day, I would pass their on-site landfill gas --> energy plant.
So, I was thrilled to find the site today that had a blog about the BMW plant doing a wind power feasibility study. While it doesn't mean BMW will install a wind turbine on site, it does mean they are at least analyzing the possibility using an anemometer ( a wind speed measuring device); which is much more than most companies are doing.
If you're thinking about wind power for your home, don't skip the anemometer step just because it always seems breezy outside. You don't want to spend the money for a wind turbine that doesn't turn. Great job BMW, now give me a car!

Green BMW
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