Google PowerMeter and Ecobee Thermostat
I was fortunate enough to spend Memorial Day weekend in Washington, D.C. My wife and I went up for a wedding and I was able to see the great exhibit on Electricity that is at the National Museum of American History. But while I was there I realized I forgot to reprogram my thermostats so they would know I was on vacation! This meant I was cooling space that nobody was in.
Energy Monitoring and the Big Three: Google, Microsoft, and Apple
It seems that in the last year solutions available for residential energy monitoring have exploded. Luckily this is Mapawatt's "bread and butter". The boom in popularity has a lot do to with the flood of products hitting the market for people to track and control their energy usage (see a complete list of energy monitoring companies here), but a large part of the increased attention in this area is due to the focus that Google, Microsoft
Energy Tools for Beginners - Part 2 - Realtime Energy Monitors

Energy Monitoring Tools
AlertMe home energy monitoring and Google PowerMeter
AlertMe, an energy monitoring device based in the UK, has announced they are teaming up with Google to display energy use on the iGoogle home page. I covered the first U.S.